Teach Your Horse Flying Lead Changes, Long Sliding Stops, Rapid Spins & True Collection
Want to train your horse for reining or put a really good handle on him? This “Performance Training Package” of DVDs show you how!
These DVDs take your horse’s training to the next level!
Below are descriptions of the DVDs you’ll receive in the “Performance Training Package”. The package contains 5 titles equaling 9-hours and 30-minutes of the most effective training methods you’ll ever see. Read the list of DVD titles and descriptions below.
How To Teach Your Horse True Collection
True collection teaches your horse to round his back, lower his croup and travel with his hocks farther under his body. Collection also teaches a horse to flex at the poll, relax his lower jaw and become soft, supple and light in the mouth.
Here are just a few of the benefits of getting your horse collected:
- Turns and spins will be more free and smoother too. Usually, a well collected horse will have a better (more level) top-line when spinning.
- Your horse’s stops will be deeper and and at the same time his mouth will feel softer. His neck and shoulders will also be more relaxed.
- Flying lead changes will be more controlled and precise with far fewer missed hind leads.
- Your horse will lope smoother and more balanced because he’ll be striding with his hind legs farther under his body. His lope will be more controlled.
- Your horse will round his back, engage his hocks and flex at the poll. And most importantly, do it in balance with a “finger-tip” light mouth.
Once you ride a horse that is truly collected, you will wonder how your training program ever got along without it.
Teach Your Horse Flying Lead Changes
Discover how to get your horse to change without lurching, charging or wringing his tail. The most detailed, yet easy to understand training methods for achieving outstanding flying lead changes.
Here’s a small sample of what you’ll learn…
- What a horse must do to perform the change smoothly and correctly.
- The proper sequence of using your legs and hands to ask for the lead change in a way your horse can understand.
- What your horse should know before you start to seriously ask him for lead changes.
- How to get control of your horse’s head, neck, shoulders and hindquarters.
- Timing the lead change. Had trouble getting your horse to change leads behind? It’s because you asked for the change at the wrong part of his stride.
- Solutions to lead change problems. You’ll learn a special training technique guaranteed to work on almost any horse.
- Refining the lead change. How to smooth things out, slow your horse down and improve his head position.
- How to teach your horse to lope circles on a light rein.
- How to train your horse to do correct canter departures.
- A special, little-known way to get your horse to do flying lead changes in 30 minutes or less. (I’m not kidding!)
This may be the most detailed and complete instruction you have ever seen on achieving good flying lead changes. I think you’ll love it.
Teach Your Horse To Stop, volume 1 (2-disc set)
The information in this video is extremely detailed. All the information you need to get good hindquarter stops is in this set of DVDs.
Every kind of stop is covered… Strong, hocks buried in the dirt stops — to soft, collected stops that are smooth and balanced.
Here’s a small sample of what you’ll learn…
- How to teach your horse to consistently perform good hindquarter stops.
- How to easily teach your horse to lope slow on a loose rein.
- How to put a light, quick back-up on your horse.
- How to teach your horse to slide to a stop with good head position, form & style.
- How to teach your horse to respond to a feather-light touch of the reins.
- How to teach your horse to stop well from leg or spur pressure.
- How to fix horses that are hard-mouthed, gap or open their mouth on the bit.
- How to teach your horse to flex at the poll and lightly give to your hands.
- A “special” training method that will have your horse stopping-on-a-dime within a few rides.
- How to use your hands, legs & body to improve your horse’s stops, immediately.
- What to look for in good saddles, tack and equipment.
- Analysis of both good and bad conformation (How it affects performance).
- What to do if the horse’s training goes wrong.
If you want your horse to stop exceptionally well, this is the DVD for you.
Teach Your Horse To Stop, volume 2
Volume 2 picks up where volume 1 leaves off.
This is where we get serious about putting that long, sliding, show stop on the horse. However, be sure not to skip the instructions in volume 1. It’s crucial to watch vol. 1 BEFORE you watch vol. 2.
Volume 2 is divided into four chapters. Here’s What You’ll Learn:
- Teaching Your Horse Good Head Position During The Sliding Stop.
It’s important that your horse learns to work with a low head. Nothing in the world feels better than to have a horse come back to your hands softly and lightly. This section of the DVD shows several techniques to accomplish a beautiful head position. You will learn how to teach your horse to lower his poll as well as give his nose to your hands. - How To Get Your Horse Extremely Light and Responsive.
If a horse is going to be a top performance horse, it’s imperative that he responds immediately to the riders cues. This section shows how to teach your horse to stop hard with just a touch of the reins. And with some horses, just LIFTING the reins… not even touching their mouth. However, you must give the horse a specific sequence of cues. Follow this simple sequence and your horse will practically teach himself. - Schooling Your Horse For LONG, Sliding Stops.
You are going to love this part of the video. I ride two horses and school them as if I were preparing them for reining. The first horse is pretty far along in his training but definitely has some problems. You’ll see me schooling this horse to correct his bouncing stops, bad head position, and charging the run-down (speed
control). I start out schooling this horse with a snaffle and finish him up with a curb bit. You’ll see big improvements take place right before your eyes.The second horse is fairly green. He doesn’t know how to slide and is not shod with sliding plates. However, you’ll see this horse go from having almost no stop whatsoever, to doing long, sliding stops that are pretty and correct… IN 15 MINUTES!(I’m not kidding). I school this horse with just an O-ring snaffle. You won’t believe the transformation this horse makes. You will see how this is done in actual “REAL TIME”. No “editing out” was done to this part of the DVD. However, I did speed up the schooling process for the benefit of the viewer.
- Training Horses Which Are Difficult To Get To Stop Well.
If you have a horse that’s giving you trouble while learning to stop light and pretty, this part of the video is really going to help you. I share some solutions that work extremely well. You’ll learn special training techniques and see some training equipment that can make a big difference in your horse’s performance.
Overall, this DVD does a great job of showing how to achieve good sliding stops on a wide range of horses.
Teach Your Horse To Rollback & Spin
An almost foolproof way to teach any horse to spin, using these unique, little-known training methods!
If you want to teach your horse to spin… or greatly improve the spin your horse currently has… this DVD shows “exactly” what to do!
Here’s a small sample of what you’ll learn…
- Three great methods to teach your horse to spin correctly. This means, no matter what kind of horse you have, one of these methods is going to work well.
- Simple, easy methods to teach green colts to turn on their hocks.
- What a “correct” rollback actually is and how to achieve it.
- How to put more speed in your spins.
- The three biggest mistakes people make when teaching their horse to spin. The vast majority of riders are guilty of all three. You MUST avoid these mistakes or you’ll never have a good spin.
- How to time-the-reins so your horse learns to cross-over in front and stay low on the ground.
- How a small change in your riding posture could really improve your horse’s spins (and I mean immediately).
- The correct way to use your hands to get the front end coming around light and smooth. This is critical. Without it, you’ll teach your horse to swing his butt out of gear.
- How to teach your horse the proper form for a winning roll back.
- The reason why some horses lock-up and refuse to roll back or spin.
- A “special” way to wrap a horse’s legs to prevent stressing tendons and ligaments during training.
- How to use your legs and spurs to improve your horses spins and keep his rear end from swinging out.
- A simple way to clarify what a spin actually is so your training stays on track. This simplifies the end result so you can get there step by step.
- A great technique for improving a horse’s head position (it works great for stops too).
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
I guarantee you’ll have great success with the training techniques demonstrated in these DVDs.
They have worked great for thousands of horsemen and they’ll work great for you too.
If not, simply send me an email and I’ll guide you to a solution that will work for you and your horse.
If you’re still not satisfied, simply let me know, return the DVDs and I’ll give your money back.
Here’s what you get with the “Performance Training Package” of DVDs when you order right now:
9 hours, 30 minutes of highly detailed, yet easy to understand reining and performance horse training on DVDs.
Here are the titles…
Teach Your Horse True Collection (1 hour)
Teach Your Horse Flying Lead Changes (1 hour, 30 minutes)
Teach Your Horse to Stop, Vol. 1 (2-disc set, 3 hours)
Teach Your Horse to Stop, Vol. 2 (2 hours)
Teach Your Horse to Rollback & Spin (2 hours)
If you follow my instructions to the letter, you can expect to get outstanding results… Guaranteed!
Purchased individually, the price of these DVDs would total $255.
However, for a limited time, you can get the entire package for ONLY $225.
That’s a DISCOUNT of $30 plus FREE SHIPPING!
(Free shipping in the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe)
9 hour, 30 minute DVD Set Price: $225
Want to save even more? Check out the Mega Training Package