Special Limited Time Offer
Mega Training Package – DVDs
Save a Whopping 36% Off the Regular Price… Plus Free Shipping
If you would like to have the knowledge to train horses at any level of performance… Then this is the package for you.
The Mega Package offers a ton of horse training information at super savings. You get:
- 1. All the DVDs that make up the Foundation Training Package and Performance Training Package.
- 2. Plus, you get my DVDs about mastering neck-reining, side passing and lateral moves, hackamore training for stops, spins & lead departures. As well as trailer loading magic and maybe most important, the video on proper shoeing.
- 3. Plus, you also get FREE SHIPPING within the USA, Canada, Australia.
Here are the DVDs you get with the Mega Package.
Over 26 hours of horse training instruction that will take you to the top!
- Colt Starting Magic (2-DVD set, 3 hours)
- Colt Starting with a Hackamore (bosal) & Snaffle Bit (3-DVD set, 3 hours)
- Foundation Training for the Stop & Back Up (1 hour) The First 90 Days
- Foundation Training for Turns, Circles & Leads (1 hour) The First 90 Days
- Teach Your Horse to be Light & Supple (1 hour)
- Teach Your Horse to Stop Light & Collected, volume 1 (3 hours)
- Teach Your Horse to Stop Light & Collected, volume 2 (2 hours)
- Teach Your Horse True Collection (1 hour)
- Teach Your Horse to Rollback and Spin (2 hours)
- Teach Your Horse Flying Lead Changes (1.5 hours)
- Teach Your Horse to Neck-Rein (2 hours)
- Teach Your Horse to Sidepass (1 hour)
- Hackamore (Bosal) Training by Larry Trocha (2 hours)
- Western Riding Know How (2 hours) – A “MUST HAVE” DVD!
- Advice on Shoeing the Reining and Cutting Horse (40 minutes)
- Trailer Loading Magic (45 minutes)
100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
I guarantee you’ll have great success with the training techniques demonstrated in these DVDs.
They have worked great for thousands of horsemen and they’ll work great for you too.
If not, simply send me an email and I’ll guide you to a solution that will work for you and your horse.
If you’re still not satisfied, simply let me know, return the DVDs and I’ll give your money back.
Purchased individually, the price of these videos would total $784.
During this special offer, the Mega Training Package is only… $495.
That’s a DISCOUNT of $289 plus FREE SHIPPING!