Horse Training DVDS
ATTENTION: My “online streaming videos” cost less and you can watch them immediately! CLICK HERE to check them out.

Mega Horse Training Package – Save 36% OFF the regular price on Larry’s most popular DVDs. Plus Free Shipping!
Performance Training Package – Save $50 off the regular price. Plus Free Shipping!
Foundation Training Package – Save $50 off the regular price. Plus Free Shipping!

Teach Your Horse to Rollback and Spin
The secret to correct, rapid turn-a-rounds. Want your horse to plant his inside pivot foot, cross over in front and spin like a top? This video will show you how. Instructions are very detailed and suitable for all levels of horses and riders.

Western Riding Know How
This DVD is a “MUST WATCH”. It addresses just about every question about riding, training and cuing a horse, imaginable. You’ll learn the “Horseman’s Way” of riding and handling a horse like a pro. Well worth your while to check it out.

Colt Starting with a Hackamore (Bosal) & Snaffle Bit
A detailed guide for ground work, good manners & establishing a solid foundation of training. The safest and most “stress free” way I know to get colts started right. Watch the entire training process exactly as it happened in “real time”.

Hackamore (Bosal) & Snaffle Bit Training by Larry Trocha
A detailed guide for training a well-reined performance horse with the braided hackamore (bosal) & ring snaffle. Teach your horse lightness… suppleness… sliding stops… rollbacks… spins… lead departures… and good head position.

Training the Foal and Weanling
A detailed guide for gentling, halter breaking, complete ground training, teaching good manners and a whole lot more. These training methods work on older horses too. (6-hour, 3-disc DVD set)

Teach Your Horse to Stop Light and Collected, Volume 1
The secret to great hindquarter stops. A very effective way to get your horse stopping on his hindquarters in beautiful, balanced stops. You’ll see great results faster than you could ever imagine.

Teach Your Horse to Stop Light & Collected, Volume 2
Advancing the stop to the next level. Volume 2 picks up where volume 1 left off. Here you’ll see how to advance the stop to the show level. Plus, more training techniques for faster results.

Teach Your Horse Flying Lead Changes
Achieve smooth, almost foolproof, flying lead changes. A straight-forward training method that works great on the vast majority of horses. It’s simple and very effective. You’ll love it.

Cutting Horse Training Videos New and very, very good!
Videos for learning to ride, train and show cutting horses. Titles include… Cutting Horse Know How… Cutting Horse Training using the Mechanical Cow… and How to Start Your Horse on Cattle.

Teach Your Horse True Collection
The magic ingredient that will greatly improve your horse’s way of moving. Apply what you learn here to improve your stops, spins, lead changes, head position and more. Everything is clearly explained.

Teach Your Horse to Neck Rein – Smooth & Light
The Transition from Snaffle Bit to Curb Bit
How to train your horse to neck rein correctly and what bits to use in the process. Learn valuable exercises to get your horse using his hocks and lightly responding to the rein with correct form and style.

How to Start Your Horse on Cattle
The secret to starting and developing a "cow smart" horse. If you plan on using your horse for cutting, cow horse events or ranch shorting, this is the "blueprint" for getting them started on cattle right.

Cutting Horse Training – Mechanical Cow
The secret to training your cutting or cow horse when you don't have fresh cattle. This dvd will teach you how to use one of the most valuable training tools ever invented. A "must have" for anyone who trains cutting or cow horses.

Colt Starting Magic
How to start colts with or without a small breaking pen. Watch as Larry Trocha starts two colts out in the big arena using only a lunge line and hobbles. Very detailed instruction.

Foundation Training for the Stop & Back Up
How to lay a good foundation for the colt’s stop and back up. Covers the first 90 days of training immediately following the starting process. This information is good for re-training older horses too.

Foundation Training for Turns, Circles & Leads
How to lay a good foundation for the colt’s turns and circles. Covers the first 90 days of training immediately following the starting process. This information is good for re-training older horses too.

Teach Your Horse to be Light & Supple
How to teach your horse to willingly and lightly give to your hands… both laterally and vertically. A must for any performance horse. This information is good for re-training older horses too.

Teach Your Horse to Sidepass
Everything you need to know to do a good job of teaching your horse to sidepass. This maneuver is important for correct lead departures and opening or closing gates. Instruction is step by step from start to finish.

Advice on Shoeing the Reining and Cutting Horse
A professional trainer’s advice on shoeing reining and cutting horses… or any kind of riding horse really. Use this valuable information to help your horse perform well and stay sound.

Trailer Loading Magic
A very effective (and versatile) training technique for teaching your horse to load in the trailer.
NOTE: Before you order this DVD you may want to consider this online video instead.
Activities involving horses can be extremely dangerous. and Larry Trocha assume no responsibility for your safety or your horse’s safety.
You are responsible for your own actions and the results of your actions.