Rollback and Spin Cheat Sheet, Part 1
Horse Training Tips For The Rollback And Spin.
Video, audio and written instruction.

Reining and cutting horse trainer, Larry Trocha
Dear Friend and Horseman,
Welcome to the Rollback & Spin Cheat Sheet, Part 1.
Today I’m giving you a video which contains information that’s absolutely critical if you want your horse to have a nice, smooth, flat, spin… with a clean “cross-over” up front and the “correct” pivot foot behind.
You can use this training technique to really help your horse learn to spin correctly. It might be a good idea to have a pen ready to jot down a few notes. Also, be sure to scroll down to the bottom of this page and check out the special offers I have for you.
We teach our horses to move AWAY from pressure. Including rein pressure, leg pressure or spur pressure.
When we ask our horse to turn or spin to the left… we move our hands to the left to apply rein pressure.
If the horse moves away from the rein, we momentarily release the pressure. The RELEASE of pressure is the the horse’s REWARD for responding correctly.
If the horse does NOT move away from the rein, we’d immediately reinforce it with “outside” leg or spur pressure. Turning to the left, we’d press with our “right” leg or spur.
The SPUR pressure is the CORRECTION the horse receives for not responding to the rein pressure.
We always use our hands BEFORE we use our legs… the hands give the horse direction… then our legs provide the motivation to respond.
Okay, that wraps it up for part 1.
Be sure to check your email “Inbox” tomorrow for part 2. If it’s not there, check your spam folder.
In part 2, we go through the rollback and spin training audios plus the written instruction.
In the audio, I reveal ONE BIG SECRET that was told to me when I was a young, inexperienced trainer.
That one secret enabled me to go from NOT being able to spin a horse at all… to SPINNING LIKE A TOP only ONE DAY later.
Yes, that one piece of information had that big of an effect on me and the horses I was riding.
It may do the same for you too so no matter what, don’t miss it.
Larry Trocha
Want to learn more? Check out the video titles below.