How to Start Your Horse on Cattle
The blueprint for getting your horse started on cattle the right way
One of the best things you can do with your horse is work cattle on him. However, it’s important that he’s started the right way. This video will show you effective training techniques that will have your horse working willingly, with confidence.
Master these simple techniques and your horse will have the kind of start that’s necessary to make a good cow horse. I should point out that this video was made with cutting horses in mind. However, the training techniques detailed in this DVD work
extremely well for starting working cow horses, ranch sorting and team penning horses also.
I Think You’ll Love This Video. Here’s Why…
This new 1½ hour video is extremely detailed. You’ll see exactly how to start your horse on cattle. You’ll learn what to do with your hands, legs and seat to achieve outstanding results. Best of all, the training techniques are demonstrated on horses
that actually need the training. You’ll see horses making mistakes and what to do to correct those mistakes.
Get Your Horse Off to a Good Start.
You can’t force a horse to become a good cow horse. He has to want to do it. If you want your horse to like his job and show a lot of expression on a cow, you need to build his desire and confidence. This video will show you exactly how to do that.
Here’s What You’ll Learn…
- What your horse needs to know before he’s started on cattle.
- How to get your horse to watch and focus on a cow.
- Training techniques that will build your horse’s desire to work cattle.
- How to motivate your horse to want to go with the cow.
- How to handle the reins to encourage working with a low head position.
- The single most important trait that all good cow horses have in common.
- How to teach your horse to “want” to stop with the cow.
- How to build your horse’s confidence and ability for working cattle.
- How to teach your horse to stay in a good working position on a cow.
Overall, I think you’ll find this DVD contains the absolute best information available on starting horses on cattle.
Running time: Approx. 1 hour 30 minute DVD